I talk.

You might hear me on radio. You might hear me MC an event or rally. Or I might be a guest speaker at a function.

I train.

You might see me offering a wide range of training on behalf of Evolve WA. You might be interested in Godly Play, a Montessori-based method of spiritual formation. Or you might learn from me about social justice or nonviolence. Plus, sometimes I teach improvisation and other performing arts skills.

I organise.

You might know me as Executive Officer of Faith Workers Alliance, or you might have stood alongside me for refugee rights. I also work for LGBTI+ rights as part of Equal Voices WA.

I listen.

You may be looking for a professional supervisor to help you reflect on and process your professional practice. Or you may need some help to work through issues where I have specific knowledge and skills.

Chris Bedding